AMAR # 1879 AYM Initiation Ceremony at Ahmednagar

AMAR # 1879 AYM Initiation Ceremony at Ahmednagar

The initiation ceremony of the Auxilium Youth Movement of Ahmednagar Auxilium Convent School was held on 13th July 2023 at 8.30 am in the quadrangle of the school. The AYM members walked along with Mother Mazzarello to the stage and placed the flower at the feet of Mother Mazzarello as we commemorated our patron feast.

 Our Manager Sr. Rita Lobo invested Captain Saviya Nikalje and assistant Captain Swara Gade with the scarf and badges.  Principal Sr. Nilima Rodrigues and primary Headmistress   Sr. Reshma Rosario invested the AYM members with the scarf. A total of 48 AYM members initiated with scarves, which would always remind them about their responsibilities towards the less fortunate in society. Sr. Rita Lobo made all the AYM members aware of their duties toward society and the community.

All the AYM members took the oath of bringing transformation in society and the AYM theme song dance was performed. Trs. Shilpa and Lydia Baptista the in charge teachers organized the ceremony very well with meaningful gestures followed by the snacks.

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