AMAR # 1880 Appreciation Evening at Ahmednagar

AMAR # 1880 Appreciation Evening at Ahmednagar

On 27th July 2023, we the Laura Vicuna Niwas, community had a beautiful Appreciation evening. During prayer moment each sister’s work and worth has been creatively highlighted and appreciated through the various pleasant and heart-content emojis.

All of us felt that ‘Appreciation makes us feel valued, more trusting, makes us more social and in turn more appreciative towards others. It’s a wonderful thing. It made us realize what is excellent in others belongs to us as well. There is always something to be appreciated in others. Our community really loved the recognition that can make someone feel appreciated. We believe this little gesture can go a long way toward boosting one’s morale. Sr. Betty and Sr. Mary animated this month’s appreciation evening very creatively.

The prayer moment concluded by thanking, appreciating, and giving each sister a joyous and happy emoji.

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