Salesian Sisters today work in all the continents of the world and number 13,653, highest number among religious women. In India alone we have grown into 7 provinces with 1272 Sisters. The Mumbai province comprises of the states of Goa, Gujarat, Karnataka and Maharashtra with 204 Sisters working in 33 houses and 2 presences reaching out to the poor and young women and children through education and evangelization in cities and villages. The mission varies from schools, boardings, hostels, community colleges, vocational training centers, catechesis, evangelization in the villages and social outreach empowering the young and women in varied contexts. The ministry is youth-centered. Many Sisters are involved in youth clubs.

We believe in the young and their potential for the future and we believe in women, icons of strength and of resilience. We educate the young and the women, looking with hope toward a future that is more equitable, more sustainable, more ecological, which has its roots in the faith and values of Christian humanism.


We belong to a Family of Saints beginning with our Founders, St John Bosco, from Becchi in Italy, who also founded the Society of St.Francis de Sales in Turin, Italy, and St. Mary Domenica Mazzarello, a peasant girl from the little village of Mornese, Italy.

Our Spirituality

Salesian spirituality is a spirituality of pastoral charity inspired by the compassionate love of Christ the Good Shepherd. It is Sacramental, Marian, rooted in the Word of God, joyful, optimistic and youthful. Daily life is the place of encounter with the Lord. A great love for the Pope and the Church, and concern and self – forgetting love for others are other outstanding characteristics.

Our Foundation

Our Province known as the Province of St. Mary Mazzarello, Mumbai (INB) was canonically erected on 24th May 1982. We follow in the footsteps of Jesus who came to bring “Good News” to the poor. We commit ourselves daily to work for the poor and underprivileged young people and women with the heart of Don Bosco and Mother Mazzarello. Our Province reaches out in service to the four states of our Country – Goa, Gujarat, Karnataka and Maharashtra.

We have 33 Centres in our Province carrying out various ministries such as Educational Ministry (formal and non-formal), Youth Ministry, Social Ministry, Media Minsitry and Pastoral Involvement in the Local Church.