Daughters Of Mary Help Of Christians

We, the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians are a group of active religious who work tirelessly towards the formation of “Good and Honest Citizens” for the world today. Our main focus is the young and so you will always find us young at heart, no matter what age we reach physically.

Our Mother General

Mother Chiara Cazzuola

“I trust the Lord and I entrust myself to Mary Help of Christians. For this I say YES!”.

She is the 10th Successor of Mary Domenica Mazzarello. She is a ‘clear’ person who is enthusiastic about the FMA vocation, has a great passion for young people in her heart, and expresses the capacity for open, serene, collaborative relationships.

Our Provincial

Sister Meenakshi D’Silva

She is the 8th Provincial of the Province of St. Mary Mazzarello Mumbai (INB). She has been part of the education sector for many years.
She has carried many responsibilities in the Province viz. Province administrator, animator, incharge of youth and councillor. Her passion is ecology and education.

Our Provincial Council

This team is the animating body of the Province who under the able guidance of our Provincial animate the Sisters of the Province in the light of the Holy Spirit in our journey towards holiness and in our quest to attain the true spirit of our origins- THE SPIRIT OF MORNESE!!